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Debbie Wasserman Schultz Will Resign From DNC

Debbie Wasserman Schultz will resign from her position as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee amid an ongoing controversy, she announced Sunday.


Florida Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday she will resign from her position as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee at the end of the party’s convention in Philadelphia this week, amid an ongoing controversy surrounding leaked email correspondence.

WikiLeaks released a batch of emails Friday that suggest top DNC officials actively tried to sabotage Bernie Sanders’s campaign to aid Hillary Clinton’s candidacy.

“I know that electing Hillary Clinton as our next president is critical for America’s future,” Wasserman Schultz said. “I look forward to serving as a surrogate for her campaign in Florida and across the country to ensure her victory.”

“Going forward, the best way for me to accomplish those goals is to step down as Party Chair at the end of this convention,” she said, according to CNN. “As Party Chair, this week I will open and close the Convention and I will address our delegates about the stakes involved in this election not only for Democrats, but for all Americans.”

Her role will be minimized during the convention. She may deliver a brief speech on Monday, but will not oversee convention proceedings.

The DNC has selected Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio) to preside over the convention this week and DNC Vice Chair Donna Brazile to be interim vice chair until November, CNN reported.