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The Good, The Bad, and The Wrong From The GOP Debate with Jon Ward

Image Creditby Billy Witz

The Federalist Radio Hour discusses a number of performances by GOP candidates, CNBC moderators, the Royals and the Mets.


Joining the Federalist Radio Hour to recap the CNBC GOP presidential debate is Jon Ward, senior political correspondent at Yahoo. Ward and Domenech reflect on the performances of both the candidates and the moderators, and suggest that a war game or a fantasy football draft would be a better way to let the candidates debate.

Ward said he thinks the RNC will use this debate to gage the short term fixes in future debates of the election cycle. “They might use this as leverage in negotiations over who will moderate,” he said.

Ward also said he felt bad for Jeb Bush after his rough performance and hits taken from Marco Rubio last night. “I’ve always thought it would be Rubio or Jeb as the nominee and it looks to me at this moment it will be Rubio,” he said. “I think Jeb is going to be an interesting story because I don’t think he could get out if he wanted to because I don’t think his family would let him.”

Later in the hour we are joined by Kevin Keating, long time baseball fan and collector of baseball memorabilia, to discuss the ongoing World Series. Keating said he thinks the series is an interesting match-up because both teams are so strong in so many areas.

“Baseball has turned out to be exceedingly interesting with the changes that the long post-season had provided,” he said. “I think the Mets looked really good going into the post-season because of their pitching rotation,” he said.

Ward shares his career path as a DC journalist from at the Washington Times, the Daily Caller and Yahoo. He said that while social media and the Internet has empowered disenfranchised people, it’s also had a negative impact on politics.

“I think TV oriented our culture toward entertainment, rather than information,” Ward said. “I think more and more people don’t even know what to trust anymore. The more information we have the more disillusioned and confused people are, ironically.”

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