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Displaying 465 results for: transgender

Transgender Activists Use A Child To Bully A Village

A public charter school in Minnesota has caved to transgender militants in teaching kindergarteners about transgender theory, requiring them to use transgender students’ preferred pronouns, and creating unisex bathrooms. Last…

Joe Biden Bases His Transgender Policies On Fake News

…Biden pledges, “As President, I will put forward comprehensive solutions to help empower the transgender and gender non-conforming community and prioritize the prosecution of anti-transgender violence.” Biden writes that he…

The Real Reason Transgenders Are Du Jour

Transgender is everywhere. During the Emmy awards Sunday night, actor Jeffrey Tambor made history winning an Emmy for playing the first transgender character, in the show “Transparent.” Recently, Bruce/Caitlyn Jenner…

The Transgender Lobby’s Demands Are Not Civil Rights

transgender demands. Nobody has enslaved transgender Americans; nobody has lynched them or created hate groups to systematically terrorize them. Transgender Issues Are Not Civil Rights Issues The National LGBTQ Task…

Have We Finally Reached Peak Transgender?

…has appointed more than 250 openly LGBT people to full-time and advisory positions in the executive branch, several of them openly transgender. The Obama administration hired the first transgender to…

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