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Displaying 465 results for: transgender

7 Questions About Transgender People, Answered

…can’t observe transgenderism under a “microscope” or in a test-tube. Intersex is always determined by scientific empiricism. Question: Are people who refuse to use the preferred pronouns of transgender individuals…

The Transgender Debate Moves To The Sports Field

…Obama administration’s expansive view of transgender policy in public schools. In April, the board voted unanimously to accept whatever transgender policies individual schools and school districts adopt, and also said…

Transgender Athletes Who Compete Against Women Are Cheats

…females against transgender women. In fall 2018, Twitter announced a new policy prohibiting “misgendering” or “dead naming” transgender people. It includes repeated or non-consensual slurs, epithets, racist and sexist tropes,…

Indulging Transgender Fantasies Makes Them Worse

…media’s most celebrated transgender boy, Jazz Jennings, told Cosmopolitan: “A lot of transgender individuals are attracted to mermaids and I think it’s because they don’t have any genitals, just a…

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