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Displaying 404 results for: homosexuality

Why Islamists Hate Homosexuals

…[Lot] and executed Allah’s decree of stoning to death the nation of homosexuals.” So strong is the association with the people of Lot and homosexuality that it has become common…

Why Aren’t There More Gay People?

…the issue, you would expect homosexuality to be rampant in America. When asked to estimate how many gay people there are, most people guess that it’s on the order of…

How To Shrink Your Church In One Easy Step

…denominations have already taken significant steps towards liberalizing their stances on homosexuality and marriage, and the evidence so far seems to indicate that affirming homosexuality is hardly a cure for…

How To Parent Through Pride Month

…divided world around them. Our discussion reminded me of my own introduction to the topic of homosexuality. I was much older than my daughter, however — perhaps 11 or 12….

The Eight Biggest Myths About The Bible

…are the least divisive. Liberals and conservatives, Christians and atheists alike seek to use Scripture to justify their own viewpoints on everything from pork consumption to homosexuality. Some of those…

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