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After Promising To Crush COVID-19, Biden Instead Threatens To Crush Economy With More Lockdowns

Joe Biden threatened Americans with yet another round of lockdowns that would doom the economy already struggling with skyrocketing inflation.


After months of promising to crush COVID-19, President Joe Biden threatened Americans with yet another round of lockdowns that would doom the economy already struggling with skyrocketing inflation.

“We have the tools to prevent this new wave of COVID,” the Democrat president said after announcing that he would mandate vaccines for all federal employees. “From shutting down our businesses, our schools, our society, as we saw happen last year. I’ve said from the beginning that we will be guided by the science.”

The president also advocated for Americans to follow the CDC’s flip-flop guidelines on masking even if they are vaccinated and for children to wear masks shortly after he advised vaccinated Americans to contradict the guidelines.

Shortly before Biden announced his endorsement for more government-mandated shutdowns, White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre indicated that the administration would fully support a new wave of lockdowns if the CDC told them it was necessary.

“If scientists come to you, at some point down the line and say ‘it is our opinion that there should be shutdowns and there should be school closures,’ you would do that?” Fox News’s Peter Doocy asked.

“Like I said, we listen to the CDC and the experts and their guidance. The CDC is a body that is very well respected and we follow their guidance,” Jean-Pierre said.

On the campaign trail and after being elected, Biden promised numerous times not to “shut down” the country or the economy but instead use his energy to “shut down the virus.”

“I am not going to shut down the economy, period. I’m going to shut down the virus. That’s what I’m going to shut down, so that’s, again, no national shutdown, no national shutdown,” Biden said in October.

“There’s no circumstances which I can see that would require total national shutdown. I think that would be counterproductive,” he said.