In December, Biden claimed one of his top priorities for dealing with the pandemic included administering 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots in his first 100 days.
“My first 100 days won’t end the COVID-19 virus. I can’t promise that,” Biden said. “But we did not get in this mess quickly, we’re not going to get out of it quickly, it’s going to take some time. But I’m absolutely convinced that in 100 days we can change the course of the disease and change life in America for the better.”
When asked by a reporter if his goal was too low, considering the United States’ growing vaccination numbers, Biden snapped, falsely claiming that the corporate media and others originally mischaracterized his plan as not feasible.
“When I announced it, you all said it wasn’t possible. C’mon. Gimme a break, man,” Biden said.
Biden, asked if 100 million vaccines within 100 days is too low of a goal, snaps: “When I announced it you all said it wasn’t possible. Gimme a break. C’mon man.”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 21, 2021
Despite the president’s insistence that his plan was doubted from the beginning, many corporate media outlets and health officials maintained optimistic positions about the rollout under Biden, spending much of their efforts trashing former President Donald Trump’s handling of the virus and vaccine distribution instead.
While legacy media, and even Biden himself, proclaimed that the Trump administration’s vaccine process was “disastrous,” “a mess,” and a “dismal failure,” CNN, the New York Times, USA Today, Vox, and others praised and celebrated the Democrats’ plan as a way to help get the virus under control, despite its clear dependence on the increasing number of vaccinations that occurred before he took office.
Even Dr. Anthony Fauci, a health adviser to Biden, expressed hope and positivity about the president’s vaccine aspirations.
“President-elect Biden has made it very clear his goal is at least 100 million doses in the first 100 days. Namely, 1 million doses a day. We can do that, Chris. This is something that is doable,” Fauci said on MSNBC.
The few articles that expressed more skepticism than others about Biden’s ability to execute the distribution and shot-giving process were rare and not worthy of Biden’s broad generalization, accusing everyone of claiming his goal was impossible.