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Chris Bedford: Congress’s COVID Relief Bill Is A Wasteful Embarrassment

Chris Bedford
Image CreditGrabien screengrab

Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford railed against the coronavirus relief package passed by Congress this week, threatened with veto by the president.


Federalist Senior Editor Chris Bedford railed against the latest coronavirus relief package passed by Congress as a special interest-tailored bill riddled with wasteful spending that has nothing to do with the ongoing pandemic.

“This was an embarrassing bill, at the end of the day, with the amount of money that went to things that should not have been going toward,” Bedford said.

President Donald Trump threatened to veto the latest legislation Tuesday night, admonishing lawmakers for stuffing the package, combined with the omnibus spending bill, with foreign aid and funding for art centers that remain closed.

The president also called on Congress to increase the $600 direct payments to $2,000 and $4,000 for individuals and couples.

Bedford reiterated the president’s demands. “While $600 is nothing to sneeze at, it’s really not going to get people out of trouble,” Bedford said. “It’s going to maybe help them buy a nice present for their children and a new video game system, but they need more than that.”