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President Trump To Reince Priebus: You’re Fired


President Trump just announced that Reince Priebus is no longer White House chief of staff, and has been replaced by Homeland Security chief John Kelly.


President Trump just announced that Reince Priebus is no longer White House chief of staff. He has replaced the former Republican Party chairman with Homeland Security chief John Kelly.

Reince told a reporter for The Wall Street Journal that he resigned privately on Thursday — which sounds odd considering that he was traveling to Long Island, New York, with the president aboard Air Force One on Friday morning and afternoon.

The motorcade reportedly dumped Priebus immediately after Trump’s announcement, according to a pool report by Politico‘s Josh Gerstein.

The news of Priebus’s departure, which the president broke via Twitter, comes on the heels of tensions between the ousted chief of staff and the new White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci.

On Wednesday night, Scaramucci seemingly implied that Priebus was behind the “leak” of his financial disclosure forms, by tagging him in a since-deleted tweet in which he railed against so-called leakers. As it turns out, the information Scaramucci claimed was public information was not leaked at all, and was obtained lawfully by Politico.

Nevertheless, Scaramucci escalated tensions by comparing himself and Priebus to “Cain and Abel” in a CNN interview Thursday morning. He followed it up in an afternoon interview with Ryan Lizza at The New Yorker, saying: “I fired one guy the other day, I have three to four people I’ll fire tomorrow. I’ll get to the person who leaked that to you. Reince Priebus—if you want to leak something—he’ll be asked to resign very shortly.”