Stephen Hunter is the author of twenty novels and the retired chief film critic for The Washington Post. He joins the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss writing, movies, guns, and his newest novel in his Bob Lee Swagger series, “G-Man.”
Hunter contrasts the feelings of critiquing others’ work and putting his own work out their to be critiqued. “The same thing is true of critics as is true of serial killers, is that they’re sort of in the same business. They’re very good at compartmentalizing,” he said. “I was able to be a novelist and I was able to be a critic and not really let them interfere with each other.”
Hunter shares on his childhood obsession with guns, and how he creates stories on subjects that are often politicized. “I’m not on a soapbox, however on another level…on a cultural level if it were, I want it understood that I believe in the gun. I believe in the second amendment.”
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