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Mike Rowe Perfectly Explains Why America Voted For Trump


Mike Rowe shared some of the most reasonable thoughts and reflections on the election we’ve seen from a celebrity yet.


Like the true American voice of reason that he is, former “Dirty Jobs” television host Mike Rowe shared some of the most reasonable reflections on the election we’ve seen from a celebrity yet in a Facebook post on Thursday.

Rowe shared an anecdote about the rise and success of his show “Dirty Jobs” on the Discovery channel, and how it perfectly explains the way that Donald Trump resonates with hard-working Americans.

Dirty Jobs didn’t resonate because the host was incredibly charming. It wasn’t a hit because it was gross, or irreverent, or funny, or silly, or smart, or terribly clever. Dirty Jobs succeeded because it was authentic. It spoke directly and candidly to a big chunk of the country that non-fiction networks had been completely ignoring. In a very simple way, Dirty Jobs said ‘Hey – we can see you,’ to millions of regular people who had started to feel invisible. Ultimately, that’s why Dirty Jobs ran for eight seasons. And today, that’s also why Donald Trump is the President of the United States.

Rowe was also quick to address the types of Facebook friends we have all seen angrily posting in the days since Trump became president-elect.

Last week, three old friends – people I’ve known for years – each requested to be ‘unfriended’ by anyone who planned on voting for Trump. Honestly, that was disheartening. Who tosses away a friendship over an election? Are my friends turning into those mind-numbingly arrogant celebrities who threaten to move to another country if their candidate doesn’t win? Are my friends now convinced that people they’ve known for years who happen to disagree with them politically are not merely mistaken – but evil, and no longer worthy of their friendship?

He wrapped up his post by offering to assist Trump, just as he did for President Obama, in any way he can to, “reinvigorate the skilled trades, and shine a light on millions of good jobs that no one seems excited about pursuing.”

Thank you, Mike Rowe. For not spewing anger at the American electorate, but trying to understand them. For offering sound advice in a time of uncertainty. And for seeing a problem and humbly offering a sensible solution.