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Displaying 487 results for: Walker

The Scott Walker Racial Rorschach Test

Walker for president. Places Democrats Run Aren’t Great for Black People Walker, Bouie argues, “was born in” and “molded” by a “world of racially polarized politics. As MacGillis notes, Walker’s…

The Nation Needs President Scott Walker In 2016

…then we’ll have the opportunity to start expanding our scope. Walker’s biggest victories may be ones of subtraction, but they also required legislative victories. The Possibility of Scott Walker’s Victory…

Scott Walker For Labor Secretary

…more than 100,000 protesters occupied Wisconsin’s state capitol, Walker did not back down. Death threats? Walker did not back down. A few anti-immigration activists demanded he get rid of Liz…

Scott Walker Takes Dead Aim at Obamacare

…Simplicity Of Walker’s Plan Walker’s tax credits would be simple, refundable, and — aside from three simple age-bands — flat. Thus, the IRS wouldn’t have to verify anyone’s income, there…

Why Scott Walker’s Education Doesn’t Matter

Sometime in the slew of Republican debates to come, a journalist will lock eyes with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and, in tones of gravamen laced with condescension, demand to know…

Why I Loved ‘The Rise of Skywalker’

…trilogy. Yet, when I saw “Rise of Skywalker,” the close to the new trilogy, I was thrilled that this film truly “felt like Star Wars,” an impossible-to-explain phenomena overwhelmingly captured…

The Left Regrets Making Scott Walker A Thing

…how the Wisconsin left chose to pursue the recall fight, with county-by-county analysis which illustrates how Walker united the right in response: “The attempt to boot Walker by Wisconsin progressives…

Scott Walker Is a Threat to the Existing Social Order

…be. But the whole controversy isn’t really about Scott Walker’s qualifications. It’s about something deeper. On the surface, of course, it’s certainly about Scott Walker. The left-leaning mainstream media senses…

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