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Health Care Yes, Obamacare Covered AOC. Like Everyone, She Just Hates It Christopher Jacobs December 7, 2020
Health Care Why Smaller Premium Increases May Harm Republicans In The November Elections Christopher Jacobs October 2, 2018
Health Care Do Democrats Want Obamacare To Fail Under Donald Trump? Christopher Jacobs August 8, 2018
Health Care Why The Justice Department’s Obamacare Lawsuit Intervention Is Absurd Christopher Jacobs June 15, 2018
Health Care Exclusive: Congress Should Investigate, Not Bail Out, Health Regulators Who Risked Billions Christopher Jacobs December 12, 2017
Health Care Why Republicans Would Be Crazy To Repeal Obamacare’s Individual Mandate Inside Tax Reform Christopher Jacobs November 9, 2017
Health Care GOP Senate Bill Would Cover Pre-Existing Conditions And Drive Down Premiums John Daniel Davidson July 14, 2017
Health Care How Will Senate Health Bill Lower Insurance Premiums? Corporate Welfare Christopher Jacobs June 26, 2017