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Displaying 497 results for: Bloomberg

10 Lessons For Republicans From Virginia

…or even moderate Republicans. McAuliffe has done nothing of the kind: he has run as an explicit and aggressive social liberal, including a last minute Bloomberg-backed push arguing for the…

Please, Stop Whining About The Yankees

…on the field, it’s necessary elsewhere. According to Bloomberg, New York Yankees are worth $3.3 billion, making them baseball’s most valuable franchise. The Yankees are first in team revenue: $570…

Do You Like to Be Nudged?

…consumers only toward what an elite of either side deems appropriate is frightening. Consider West’s interview on Bloomberg radio this past weekend on what he considers thoughtful. Interviewer Bill Frezza…

What Makes You A Patriot?

…broader than you previously imagined. So far the plague of Bloombergian politicians, helicopter parents, and personal injury attorneys have failed stamp out America’s foolhardy impulses. And thank God for that…

Four Statist Policies Gov. Mike Pence Champions

Bloomberg says he “won conservatives’ loyalty” at the 2004 CPAC when he “took the GOP to task for ‘veering off course’ into ‘big-government Republicanism.’” Maybe someone should check if Indiana’s…

Lower Tax Rates vs. Targeted Tax Credits

…this excerpt from a Bloomberg story. Macron apologized yesterday for his “exaggerated reputation” for free-market thinking. I hope I’m wrong, but that doesn’t sound like the words of someone committed…

Biden Gets Roasted For Bumbling Through Mostly Empty Town Hall

…for coddling Biden, accusing him of not asking difficult questions. “Don Lemon is not a journalist,” Blackburn tweeted. “He is an activist. #BidenTownhall.” Bloomberg News reporter Jennifer Epstein called…

Why Bill De Blasio Should Run For President

…Weiner thing happened. And happened again. And at the same time, Quinn’s support of Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s dicey third term was sinking her candidacy. But there was Bill. And after…

Why Big Oil Wants A Carbon Tax

…States, the ways in which a carbon tax might benefit some fossil-fuel companies becomes a bit clearer. Bloomberg View editorializes in support of the “Big Oil” letter to the UN,…

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