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Displaying 500 results for: trump

Why Trump’s Supporters Like Him So Much

…frequently.” If only familiarity bred contempt. Trump is everywhere, but Trump opponents are not. Trump supporters I’ve spoken with do not read the Wall Street Journal opinion page or publications…

Donald Trump Will Get Out The Vote—For Democrats

…opposition research or attack ads; they drop to Trump-like levels only if they’re as unfathomably disagreeable as Trump is. Donald Trump’s Dismal Electability Prospects Although favorability polls remain an important…

4 Reasons The GOP Needs Donald Trump

Donald Trump, impresario and enigma, genius and moron. It’s fun and easy to jump on the “We hate Trump” bandwagon as it barrels down the political landscape, but it wouldn’t…

How Close Was Donald Trump To The Mob?

…start is to take a hard look at Trump’s ties to Philadelphia and New York organized-crime families. Donald Trump’s Connections to Organized Crime Trump was building his eponymous empire of…

Who Are Donald Trump’s Supporters?

…that many Trump voters “don’t have a second choice.” And a Frank Luntz focus group of Trump supporters found that “nothing disqualifies Trump” in the eyes of his supporters. They…

7 Principles For Rebuilding After The Trumpocalypse

…pro-Trump, Trump-curious (concept h/t: Ace of Spades), and anti-anti-Trump. They are different positions and have accordingly different degrees of respectability. We should distinguish three distinct gradations of Trumposity: pro-Trump, Trump-curious,…

Trump Is A Rump, But He Has A Point

…race, Trump is absolutely the last one I would vote for. I could summarize the reasons for this in five bullet points: (1) I believe Trump is more interested in…

To Stop Trump, The GOP Needs A Strong Cruz

Trump and Rubio represent something close to the party’s two poles on the important issue of immigration, and the center of the party is likely nearer to Trump. Trump and…

Trump Tells Us How He’ll Hurt America

…25 years is any indication, there is a 75 percent chance Trump would declare bankruptcy during his presidency. Trump has declared bankruptcy for his Trump Taj Mahal, Trump Plaza Hotel…

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