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Breaking News Alert Watchdog: 22 Blue States Joined Secret Anti-Trump Resistance Pact

Sabrina Schaeffer

Author Sabrina Schaeffer profile

Sabrina Schaeffer is chair of the Independent Women’s Forum’s Leadership Circle, on the board of Right Now, and former executive director of the Independent Women’s Forum. Sabrina has been a frequent commentator on feminism, women in public office, gender differences, women in the workplace, political behavior, daily politics, and political culture. Her written commentary has appeared in Forbes, USA Today, the Huffington Post, the Hill,, National Review Online, U.S. News & World Report, she routinely appearances on FNC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, and radio stations around the country, and is a regular contributor to Fox News’ Forbes on Fox every Saturday and Sunday. Her book, co-authored with Carrie Lukas, is “Liberty is No War on Women: How Big Government and Victim-Politics Undermine America’s Progress.” Sabrina received her M.A. in Politics from the University of Virginia, where she focused on media effects and political behavior. She also earned an M.A. in American History also at UVA.

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