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Displaying 497 results for: Bloomberg

This Democratic Debate Was Utterly Hopeless

…not a good look. Somewhere a smile was growing on Mike Bloomberg’s face, as his window got wider. Sanders has his mojo. He lectured the drug companies with aplomb and…

Obamacare And The Real Wonk Gap

…policy. An apparent example of such ignorance comes from a recent piece by Evan Soltas at Bloomberg, who innocently noticed that the health care companies who lobbied for and supported…

In Defense Of The Uninsured

…up few uninsured Americans…” Megan McArdle is even more stark in Bloomberg, “How Not to Help the Uninsured.” She includes a fascinating graph: We are five months into open enrollment…

It’s Okay Not To Know Your –Stans

…the scolding. At Bloomberg View, Leonid Bershidsky indignantly insisted that “Kyrzbekistan Isn’t Funny,” unleashing an angry polemic on how embarrassing it is that Westerners don’t know anything about obscure non-Western…

California: The Ultimate Nanny State

…authoritarians like Jerry Brown and Michael Bloomberg and Bill de Blasio, who wants to ban baseball players from using chewing tobacco and tourists from using horse-drawn carriages. Although none of…

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