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Christian Leaders Call On U.S. To Stop Assisting Turkish Aggression Against Armenia

Christian leaders under the Philos Project are calling on the federal government to stop aiding Turkish aggression against Eastern European nations.


Christian leaders in the Philos Project are calling on the federal government to oppose Turkish aggression against Eastern European nations while the increasingly defiant North Atlantic Treaty Organization ally pursues an offensive foreign policy in the region.

“Turkey – a NATO ally – has been sowing havoc in the Eastern Mediterranean and broader Near East, harming the interests of America and the region. We believe the time has come to act,” the group wrote in a letter sent to Capitol Hill and the White House. “The latest victims in this gambit are the ethnic Armenians, members of the world’s first Christian nation, who are currently under Azerbaijani attack, with the full backing of Turkey and Turkish-sponsored jihadi fighters transported from Syria and Libya.”

Armenians, the group alleged, are being targeted by Turkish-sponsored terrorist mercenaries.

“What is worse,” the group noted, “they are using American-made fighter jets and U.S. taxpayer dollars to further their genocidal policies.”

The letter signed by more than two dozen leaders ranging from former Republican Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum to Sohrab Ahmari, an opinion editor at the New York Post, calls on the federal government to condemn Turkey and its proxy ally Azerbaijan and suspend military sales to each while sending direct humanitarian aid to Armenia and Artsakh.

“The world ignored Turkey’s genocide of Armenians and other Christians a century ago,” they wrote. “It would be a tragic mistake to ignore it again.”