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Displaying 497 results for: Bush

Service Was George H. W. Bush’s Privilege

…aristocracy from which he was begotten, including the idea that to whom much is given, much is expected. Bush’s father, Prescott Bush, was the son of an industrial magnate who…

The Not-Trump-Not-Bush Republican Primary

…not from Jeb Bush, but from the alternatives to Bush, all of whom are better, worthier candidates than Trump. Which means it’s time to stop playing Trump’s media game and…

In Defense Of A Jeb Bush Candidacy

OK, a tepid defense. George P. Bush, Jeb Bush’s eldest son, tells ABC News his dad will likely run for president in 2016: “I think it’s more than likely that…

Assessing Jeb Bush’s Pro-Growth Tax Plan

…former Florida Governor Jeb Bush has unveiled in today’s Wall Street Journal. Bush identifies three main goals, starting with lower tax rates. First, I want to lower taxes and make…

Columba Bush Is No Hillary Clinton

Bush, her sister Lucila, and her mother have remained close and severed ties with him more than four decades ago.” Who is Columba Bush? A remarkable woman with a remarkable…

Here’s Something Nice About Jeb Bush

…his audience: “Please clap.” Bush is almost certainly finished. He could experience a miraculous resurgence and secure the nomination—stranger things have happened—but it is exceedingly unlikely. Jeb Bush Can Be…

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