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Displaying 154 results for: politifact

Joe Biden Is Literally Falling Asleep On The Job

…snoozing through a long-winded speech.) Watch him at the 20:12 minute mark: “Fact” “checker” PolitiFact, which is surprisingly informative once you realize its verdicts are often indicators that the…

Biden Lied 30 Times During The State Of The Union

…term in American history.” This is untrue. Democrats’ favorite “fact-checking” outlet, PolitiFact, admitted that “former President Barack Obama accumulated more debt than Trump.” 18. Inflation Reduction Act In an apparent reference…

The Six Most Infuriating Hoaxes of 2013

…purchase health care due to major implementation problems with Obamacare. Politifact even named this the lie of the year, a curious move for an outfit that rated the same statement…

PunditFact: A Case Study In Fact-Free Hackery

…notes on Twitter that PunditFact and PolitiFact are funded by a large and active Clinton Foundation donor and partner, a fact PunditFact conveniently failed to disclose in its defense of…

America, The Unserious Super-Power

…insist that America is now “the most respected country on Earth”—a claim even the normally more forgiving folks at PolitiFact rate as only “half-true”—but the Russians, Iranians, and Chinese clearly…

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