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Displaying 649 results for: hillsdale college

Why Vouchers Work In K-12 But Not College

…student who is qualified to attend college. The number of high-school graduates each year who have the academic qualifications to attend college (such as meeting transcript requirements) and the number…

How To Put The Merit Back In ‘Meritocracy’

…honor and prestige to students enrolled in name-brand colleges and universities than to those in community colleges or in technical and vocational training programs.” Indeed, promoting occupational and community college

The Advanced Placement Scam

…to transfer to their college of choice as actual college credit—and some colleges do not accept AP credit at all. The rate of Maryland seniors who passed at least one…

What The Left And Right Don’t Get About Campus Rape

…Progressives and feminists believe they understand the source of the sexual assault problem. It’s “traditional masculinity.” The American College Health Association, for example, in its “toolkit” for college administrators to…

How My Family Escaped The College Rat Race

…they determined us able to fund five-figure annual college bills with no help. For middle-class families, college attendance has become an expectation, and in many circles the “where” is as…

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