A good media strategy is to learn what content news consumers value and provide it. The landslide victory of Donald Trump shows most of the public is not up for Trump bashing, but NBC has decided to ignore that reality by sending Trump-hating reporter Yamiche Alcindor back to the White House to cover him.
During Trump’s first term, Alcindor was on the government dole, receiving her pay checks from the taxpayer-funded Public Broadcasting System (PBS). She was promoted to host of “PBS NewsHour” and also contributed to NBC and MSNBC.
It was pretty obvious Alcindor disliked Trump during his first administration, taking every opportunity to attack him in the press room and in media appearances. But the contrast between how she covered Trump (Basically, how come you’re so awful?) vs. her coverage of President Joe Biden (Basically, how come you’re so awesome?) made it clear which team’s cheerleading uniform she hopes to be fitted for.
The Federalist’s Tristan Justice reported in 2021 that Alcindor asked Biden if illegal aliens were entering the U.S. without permission because they view Biden as a “moral,” and “decent” man.
The Federalist has documented her inexplicably award-winning career, in which, she keeps “failing upward,” as The Federalist’s Jordan Boyd reported in 2021.
Mollie Hemingway, editor-in-chief of The Federalist, reported in 2020 about how, as everyone was learning how to navigate the COVID pandemic in 2020, Alcindor asked questions that made for a tense press conference. Alcindor intimated that Trump would not be fair to Democrat governors in providing materials to battle COVID. And she cast doubt on Trump’s concerns that people forced to abruptly shutter their businesses and quarantine at home may turn to drug use or contemplate suicide.
When she was not in the White House pressroom, Alcindor was on social media smearing Trump, as Justice reported for The Federalist in 2020. Alcindor tried to correct Trump when he described the lawless 2020 rioters, who were looting, blocking traffic, setting fires and destroying buildings, as “anarchists.” Alcindor claimed that “peaceful protesters” peaceful protesters” were “teargassed outside the White House so Pres Trump could walk to St. John’s Episcopal Church.”
She also often fixates on gender and race.
“On the campaign trail, you called yourself a nationalist,” Alcindor said to Trump in a November 2018 press conference. “Some people saw that as emboldening white nationalists … There are some people that say that now the Republican Party is seen as supporting white nationalists because of your rhetoric. What do you make of that?”
“I don’t know why you say that. It’s such a racist question,” Trump responded. He explained some people are nationalists and some are globalists, and while he loves the world, he loves this country, and we need to fix problems at home first.
That explanation was ignored. The media took Alcindor’s skillfully placed race bait and soon the tasty sound bite featuring Alcindor, that brave reporter, was all over the news.
“Trump Denies Being Nationalist Is Being Racist,” the Associated Press relayed; “Trump Says He’s Not A Racist. That’s Not How White Nationalists See It,” CNN misinformed; “Kellyanne Conway Defends Trump After He Calls Black Reporter’s Question ‘Racist,’” The Washington Post wrote.
The racist thing is one example of a lie with a shaky foundation that is perpetuated in the media for years. Before long, Alcindor’s name and any shred of context was dropped, and the most unsavory news outlets were writing stories that were basically, “Trump, Blah Blah Blah, Racist.”
See how that works? One of Alcindor’s poorly premised questions is mischaracterized and amplified by the media. Those stories are used as the foundation of fact for other media outlets writing additional news, further laundering the information. They ditch the original, faulty source and presented it as fact.
It is so dishonest. And it starts with propagandists like Alcindor.
She is paid in awards from the journalist community and ego boosts when she is invited to share the story of her valiant fight against big bad Donald Trump.
Alcindor is not in the White House press room for reporting. She is there to plant seeds that will grow into narratives the left wants the public to believe. She will continue to receive awards and brave reporter merit badges as long as she continues to spin stories that give the left hope that a spark of their agenda still lives.