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The New York Times Loves ‘Election Deniers’ If They’re Democrat


Two years ago, The New York Times (NYT) warned that one of the greatest “threats” to American democracy was the so-called “growing movement inside … the Republican Party” to “refuse to accept defeat in an election.” How dare Republicans question the 2020 election when the Times’ David Leonhardt could simply dismiss legitimate concerns as “rigged” talk?

Fast forward to today and the Times is strangely silent about the real election denialism coming from Democrats. Rather than acknowledge that Sen. Bob Casey, D-Penn., refuses to concede a race he clearly lost, the Times is putting a rosy spin on the situation, calling it a “twist” in the electoral process.

According to The Times’ Nick Corasaniti, “In Pennsylvania, the Election Litigation Continues, With a Twist.” Corasaniti is well aware that what is unfolding in the Pennsylvania Senate race is nothing short of lawlessness. It’s why he acknowledged in the subhead that at least four counties are openly defying a state Supreme Court order that “undated or misdated mail ballots cannot be counted.”

The Times, which has had no problem reporting on “election denialism” could have called out this blatant disregard for the rule of law. But instead they are downplaying it as a mere difference of opinion between county commissioners and the state’s highest court.

“The Bucks County election commission felt differently,” Corasaniti wrote, referencing a quote from Bucks County commissioner Robert Harvie Jr., who decided that he is the arbiter of what’s legal or not while defying the court’s order.

The Times then referenced a quote from fellow commissioner Diane Ellis-Marseglia, who said she was openly violating the law because she wants the “court to pay attention.”

But the Times just nods along, quoting Ellis-Marseglia as saying “There’s nothing more important than counting votes” as if defying the law is somehow a virtue.

For four years, Democrats and their media allies smeared Republicans as traitors to “democracy” for questioning the 2020 election results. It didn’t matter that the election was riddled with irregularities or that in Fulton County, Georgia, for example, more than 3,000 ballots were double scanned. The left-wing corporate media’s message was clear: questioning the outcome of an an election was tantamount to the Civil War.

But now that Democrats are the ones not only denying the results of an election but actively working to rig the outcome. The hypocrisy is impossible to ignore. Instead of calling out blatant lawlessness, the Times offered a sympathetic “twist” and spins this affront to election integrity as nothing more than a friendly disagreement between local officials who want to enfranchise all voters and the courts.

The double standard only affirms what’s been known all along: The left’s obsession with labeling Republicans as election deniers was never about defending the integrity (or lack thereof) of our elections. For Democrats and the propaganda press, election integrity is secondary to winning.

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