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Yes, Democrats And Their Propaganda Media Support Late-Term Abortion And Infanticide

pregnant mother
Image CreditDamien Goodyear / Flickr / CC by 2.0, cropped

Infanticide is fast becoming an essential policy position for Democrats.


Media outlets have continued to litigate one of the more outrageous portions of the recent “debate” between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump. It occurred when ABC’s so-called moderator Linsey Davis shamelessly framed the abortion issue to protect Harris from any suggestion that she approves of legalized infanticide. When Trump said he is against late-term abortion, Davis proceeded to “fact-check” him by claiming “there’s no state in this country where it’s legal to kill a baby after it’s born.”

Ever since, media outlets from The Guardian to MSNBC have continued to issue “fact checks” and outraged opinion articles backing up Davis’ claim and denying Trump’s, calling it the “post-birth abortion lie” and claiming “there is no state in the US where it is ‘OK’ to kill a baby after it is born.”

First off, that’s disingenuous and false. Seven U.S. states allow abortion until birth, with no restrictions, and 14 allow it for the sake of the mother’s “health,” which can include mental health. In Minnesota, eight babies are recorded as being left to die outside the womb after failed abortions in just 2021 alone, until Gov. Tim Walz removed that reporting requirement. Minnesota is not the only state that fails to record or protect children left to die after birth in such circumstances.

Second, radical Democrats used to see a difference between abortion and infanticide. Third, and maybe even most importantly, this sheltering of Harris obscures the fact that Harris’ policy positions are clearly in line with Planned Parenthood’s hard push towards legalizing all forms of infanticide. It’s happening because of the support of the propaganda media.

As cheerleader for the Harris campaign, Davis seemed to understand that most Americans simply are not ready (yet?) for something so evil as making sure a helpless, breathing newborn is deliberately left to die after an attempted abortion. Hence Davis’ shielding of Harris.

Democrats Vote For Infanticide

The bigger issue is that infanticide is fast becoming an essential policy position for Democrats. We can see this in their repeated and overwhelming votes against legislation that would allow infants to live if they survive an attempted abortion. One such roll call took place as recently as January 2023, when a whopping 210 Democrats in the House of Representatives voted against the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

On top of that we now have pro-abortion initiatives, such as Amendment 4 on this year’s Florida ballot, that serve as Orwellian word salads that officially open the door to unrestricted infanticide. For more on the Florida measure, read Margot Cleveland’s legal analysis.

Several other states with ballot measures do not even include words about “viability” of the preborn child. There may not yet be reports of babies actively put to death legally, a common practice under China’s forced abortion one-child policy, but we can’t deny we’re veering onto that same road.

Kamala Backed Baby Body Harvesting In 2015

When Kamala Harris was California’s attorney general in 2015, she ordered a raid on the home of investigative journalist David Daleiden because he exposed Planned Parenthood’s ghoulish practice of harvesting and selling the body parts of aborted babies.

In one of Daleiden’s videos you can watch Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola talking about the demand for body parts, including the calvarium — a freshly extracted baby’s head. She enthusiastically explains how to maximize the chances of obtaining an intact and fresh specimen during an abortion. Since Harris ordered a subsequent raid on Daleiden’s home, you can easily guess that Harris approves of baby-part harvesting and condemns the free speech that exposes it.

But the central point here is that the abortion mindset has hurtled in a downward spiral over the past 50 years since Roe v. Wade abolished state regulation of abortion. Few realize that even back in 1973 Roe came with a companion ruling called Doe v. Bolton, which allowed for full-term abortion under a vague pretext of “mother’s health” that was left up to any interpretation. Harris and her supporters in the corporate media seem to have a growing appetite to move that along.

Today’s arguments for abortion are a far cry from the mantra of Bill Clinton’s era that claimed abortion should be rare as well as safe and legal. Furthermore, Planned Parenthood says it wants abortion to be celebrated, and certainly not regretted.

Question the Growing Infanticide Mentality

Whatever debate on abortion remains to be had, we should be asking a lot more questions about the mentality behind Americans’ increasing support — or lack of outrage — for unrestricted abortion and infanticide. What’s happening to us? What is causing this previously unthinkable shift in mindset in the West?

We need to ask, because such a shift always leads to ever more killing. We see it happening in Canada, where a third of the population approves of prescribing assisted suicide not only for the terminally ill, but also for the homeless. So it goes. Kill the homeless. Kill the “unfit.” Push eugenics and euthanasia until we’re engaged in mass killing. The historical record bears that out.

We should also ask why totally unrestricted abortion seems so important among so many voters. Why do increasing numbers seem intent on celebrating this gruesome procedure? This is particularly the case with suburban women, who can easily get an abortion despite the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision that reversed Roe.

Why is totally unrestricted abortion more important to these voters than illegal immigration? More important than runaway inflation that is preventing people from buying a home and even groceries? Or more important than exponentially rising crime rates and drug addiction and suicide rates among youth?

Why is the Senate currently ruled by radical partisans who increasingly support infanticide even if they won’t (yet) call it infanticide? Why was Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam so comfortable indicating in 2019 that in the case of an infant born alive after an attempted abortion, infanticide should be an option if the mother agreed? And why did a Virginia delegate so brazenly promote a bill that she testified would extend abortion to 40 weeks of gestation, including during the onset of natural labor?

Cultural Acceptance of Barbarism

All of this is even more chilling when we realize that abortion supporters no longer contest the fact that this is a human being. The long-time late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart even offered women the chance to cuddle their freshly killed infants. His staff put together goodbye packages with keepsakes such as their dead baby’s footprints, photos, and newborn’s hat. What brought us to this point?

The answer clearly lies in a constant propaganda campaign that is nudging and shoving people into accepting this. Americans are being psychologically conditioned through corporate media and its allies in government, academia, and Hollywood to allow increasing levels of barbarity.

Those who have bought the propaganda hook, line, and sinker — like Harris and Davis — either have no capacity to think this through and understand it, or, even worse, understand and accept it all: the slaughter, the organ harvesting, the foul culture of desolation and death.

However, most Americans can and should re-evaluate the abortion-at-all-costs mindset and the propaganda campaign behind it. Let’s analyze it. Understand what’s happening. And reject the whole psychological operation. Because it truly is suicidal for us all.

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