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3 In 4 Americans Say Transgender Insanity Targeting Children Has ‘Gone Too Far’


Abusing female athletes, subjecting youth to permanently sterilizing and deforming surgeries without parental consent, and preaching from top universities and hospitals that so-called gender identity is “the only medically supported determinant of sex” — while proponents of these left-wing agenda items are vocal, they only make up a small minority in America. According to a recent poll, the majority of Americans have had enough of radicalized policies and practices promoting gender dysphoria.

In partnership with McLaughlin and Associates, published data last week from a mid-October, nationwide survey questioning Americans on the transgender agenda.

Three in four respondents (75 percent) agreed the movement has “gone too far” by encouraging minors to use drugs and surgery to alter the hormones and organs that reflect their sex. But cultural silencing on transgender issues has been a powerful motivator, leading 41 percent of participants who reported having an opinion to keep their views quiet, even amongst friends and family.

“The transgender movement may have set out to prevent bullying, but it has evolved into an attack on reality,” said Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries. “Severing the connection to reality is the first thing people do when they want to control what others think and do. If you can get children to look at boys and girls and say there is no difference, you can convince them of anything.”

Of the participants who weighed in on the cause of rising instances of sexual confusion among minors, 69 percent blamed social media and “other cultural influences.” An even higher percentage (70 percent) of those polled who expressed an opinion believe the medical industry is promoting sex surgeries and hormones for profit.

“The medical issue is daunting,” Myers said. “The current transgender standards of care include using unapproved drugs to ‘pause’ puberty, administering untested cross-sex hormones, and even recommending permanently disfiguring surgeries.” 

This untested and off-label prescription of drugs to youth by big-name pharmaceutical companies has come under investigation in Texas and Tennessee. But with billions of dollars in profits at stake, conservative lawmakers need big wins at the polls next week. 

“Transgender medicine is moving in the same direction as opioids, where the medical industry has pushed to create consensus to make money,” Myers said. Just as overprescribing opioids in the 2000s led to record-high dependence and addiction, the side effects of elective amputations and hormone injections are disastrous and long-term

The Biden administration has thrown its full political support behind sterilizing and deforming surgeries for minors claiming to be transgender, too. In many locations, it is easier for kids to obtain trans “treatments” like puberty blockers, hormone injections, or mutilative surgeries than get a tattoo.

“With three-quarters of Americans saying that the transgender movement has gone too far, I would not be surprised if it becomes a voting issue,” Myers said. “People want to know if candidates go along with President Biden in implying that there should be no restrictions of any kind against transgender medicine in minors.”

The survey, “Transgender Agenda Amongst Youth,” was administered online between October 12-17. Results were determined to have a 95 percent confidence interval. 

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