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Poll: Majority Of Catholics Reject Democrats’ Distortion Of Church Teaching On Abortion, The Sexes

Catholic mass
Image Credit"Julia Volk/Pexels"

In advocating for abortion on demand and science-denying transgender orthodoxy, self-proclaimed Catholics such as President Joe Biden and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lead the charge in distorting church teaching. But a new poll of likely Catholic voters exposes just how wildly out of step these radical leaders are.

A survey conducted last month by EWTN of more than 1,500 “likely Catholic voters” found that over 75 percent oppose biological boys competing in girls’ sports, with 63 percent saying they “strongly oppose.”

A majority of respondents also said they support parents helping determine content taught in K-12 schools, with particularly strong support from Asian and black respondents. Roughly 93 percent of Asians and nearly 88 percent of black respondents support this parental involvement, with zero black respondents opposing at all. And while every single Asian and black participant reported having children who attend public school, about 93 percent of Asian parents and almost 88 percent of black parents support school choice. Once again, zero black respondents were opposed.

When asked about pregnancy centers — a clear target of Democrat politicians and violent vandals who don’t seem to be a priority for an FBI that’s too busy going after peaceful pro-life senior citizens — a clear majority, 67.4 percent, support public funding for them, with only about 18 percent of the Catholic respondents opposing. These findings corroborate a CRC Research poll from over the summer, which found that 2 in 3 Americans overall, not just Catholics, support public funding for pregnancy centers. These care centers provide vital resources to mothers and their babies, such as ultrasounds, baby clothes and diapers, and other prenatal care.

Despite Catholics’ strong support for pregnancy centers and opposition to abortion — only about 13 percent of “likely Catholic voters” aligned themselves with Democrats’ abortion stance — and the church catechism’s explicit and “unchangeable” teaching on the evils of abortion, self-described Catholic Democrats have attempted to distort this. Just last month, Biden wrongly claimed the Catholic Church is less strict on abortion than Republican lawmakers who proposed a 15-week abortion ban.

As The Federalist’s Evita Duffy wrote, “The Catholic Church not only makes no exception for rape and incest, it goes even further than [Sen. Lindsey] Graham’s 15-week ban, teaching that abortion is morally wrong from the moment of conception. Never has the Catholic Church budged on this ancient teaching.”

Furthermore, since the leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson draft opinion and the overturning of Roe, 73 pregnancy centers and 83 Catholic churches have been attacked, with the supposedly Catholic president failing to respond to the threats.

Meanwhile, Biden’s FBI has conducted two separate raids of pro-life activists’ homes and this week announced the prosecution of 11 peaceful pro-lifers with an obscure statute known as the “FACE Act.” Yet self-proclaimed Catholic Democrat politicians have been silent.

When it comes to supporting radical transgender ideology, Catholic Democrat lawmakers are all for it, despite a lack of support from Catholic voters. In March, the Biden administration encouraged wrong-sex hormones and genital mutilation for minors. It has also attempted to force doctors — including Catholic health care networks — to perform these transgender surgeries even if it tortures their consciences.

Despite extreme attempts from Democrats to distort Catholic teachings and support radical policies, the poll results make one thing clear: Catholic voters are still affirming life and the sexes, not the left’s twisted orthodoxies.

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