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Crisis Pregnancy Centers That Democrats Smeared As ‘Fake Clinics’ Saved 800,000 Lives Since 2016

Pregnant woman with photos of her ultrasound
Image CreditBich Ngoc Le/Unsplash

In the wake of Democrats’ attempts to hide pro-life pregnancy centers in Google search results, a new analysis reveals that since 2016 pro-life clinics have saved over 800,000 human lives by providing local women the support they need to carry their children to term. 

A Democrat cohort of senators sent a letter to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai on June 17 that decried pro-life pregnancy centers as “fake clinics” and insisted the Big Tech company prevent these “fake clinics” from appearing on abortion-related search results. 

And yet, a Lozier Institute analysis of national data finds that an average of 99 percent of women upon leaving a pro-life pregnancy help center reported they were happy with their service. From items like diapers, car seats, and strollers to programs like after-abortion support, sexual risk education, and parenting classes, pro-life pregnancy centers have been supporting women in unwanted or difficult pregnancies since 1969. 

What Democrats call “fake clinics” have been saving millions of lives since their advent a half-century ago, with almost a million (more than 800,000) lives saved just since 2016. The Lozier Institute found that in 2019 these clinics served approximately 2 million women, men, and children, providing an estimated $266 million worth of services. 

The analysis further found that the more than 2,700 pro-life pregnancy help clinics in the U.S. have only expanded their availability of services since last measured in 2017. Free ultrasounds have increased by 79 percent and are now provided at 2,132 centers, and STD/STI testing has increased by 30 percent and is offered at 810 centers, followed by STD/STI treatment which has increased by 21 percent and is available at 563 centers.  

“In addition, 486,213 pregnancy confirmation ultrasounds, 731,884 pregnancy tests, 160,201 STI tests, and 967,251 consultations with new (unique) clients were all provided at little or no cost,” the analysis reports. 

These statistics fly in the face of the leftist portrayal that pro-life clinics are “fake,” or harmful or antagonistic to pregnant mothers. On the contrary, in this 2022 analysis, we see pro-life pregnancy clinics dedicated to the health of both mother and baby, caring about the health of both women who have undergone abortions and women who choose life.