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Kamala Harris To Speak At Summit With Ties To Antisemitic Former Women’s March Leader

Tamika Mallory, a left-wing activist, was forced to step down as the national chair of the Women’s March in 2019 over accusations of antisemitism.


Vice President Kamala Harris is scheduled to speak at a summit with connections to Tamika Mallory, a left-wing activist who was forced to step down as the national chair of the Women’s March in 2019 because she was accused of antisemitism for her praise of the bigoted Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and for antisemitic comments.

Harris will be a featured speaker at the Black Women’s Roundtable, scheduled for March 24-28. Mallory is a member of the Black Women’s Roundtable, which is part of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation headed by Mallory’s friend Melanie Campbell. In 2020, Mallory was named one of the National Coalition on Black Civic Participation’s President’s Circle Leadership Award Honorees.

Before Mallory stepped down from the Women’s March, Campbell defended her against accusations of antisemitism, sharing a petition in support of Mallory. “Black women all over the nation and Diaspora stand [in] solidarity and support of our #sistar leader @TamikaDMallory #IStandwithTamikaMallory,” Campbell wrote on Twitter in 2018.

Farrakhan is notorious for his antisemitic, anti-white, and homophobic rhetoric. He has blamed Jews for 9/11 and referred to them as “termites.” He has also called whites the “anti-Christ” and accused the “wicked Jews” of “promoting lesbianism, homosexuality,” among other things.

Mallory faced backlash for saying Farrakhan was the “greatest of all time because of what he’s done in black communities.” Mallory was also seen attending an event where Farrakhan said, “The powerful Jew is my enemy.”

Mallory also wrote that “white Jews … uphold white supremacy” in a 2018 statement to the New York Times

Mallory is an “open, unabashed antisemite,” said the Jerusalem Post’s Lahav Harkov. Michael Cohen of the Boston Globe called Mallory’s comment “deeply ignorant offensive.”

Vanessa Wruble, who is Jewish and co-founded the Women’s March, left before the 2019 march, citing concerns about antisemitism after a troubling exchange with Mallory.

Many are disturbed Harris would choose to associate with someone like Mallory. “Tamika Mallory is such a rabid antisemitie that even the @womensmarch kicked her out… She’s not too much of an antisemite for @VP, though,” wrote the Republican Jewish Coalition on Twitter.

This isn’t Harris’s only tie to Mallory. Symone Sanders, a friend of Mallory’s and a fellow activist, was named Harris’s chief spokeswoman and senior adviser in January. Sanders also presented Mallory with the Black Entertainment Television’s social movement award in 2018 and can be seen hugging her.