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The First Step Towards Righting America Is Refusing To Believe The Left About Anything


Did you know that you can see The Great Wall of China from outer space? Is that not absolutely incredible? I heard this cool little fact from a friend some time ago and began telling everyone I knew about this cool trivia nugget.

What really blew me away was how almost everyone I told had already heard this and agreed with me that it is a very cool fact. A man-made wall you can see from outer space. That is just incredible.

I mean, it would be incredible, if it were true. You see, it is not true—not even a little. NASA and multiple individual astronauts have debunked this myth. Yet much of the general public believes it to be a fact, as NASA points out.

But why? The narrative. That is why. There is nothing more powerful (and destructive) in today’s world than the narrative.

The narrative, as I define it, is simply an assumption or set of assumptions widely accepted by the general public as facts. As we know, facts cannot be changed. That is why they are facts.

This is also why it is so critical to ensure the general public gets an accurate narrative. Otherwise, if the base set of publicly believed facts is wrong, every step after that will also be incorrect. It’s like getting swallowed up by an avalanche and digging ferociously in the wrong direction.

The weakness and stupidity of America’s right has allowed false narratives to cement in the minds of the public. It’s killing our freedoms. It’s killing our jobs. It’s killing our families. It’s killing our schools. It’s killing our nation.

Take coronavirus, for example. Remember the beginning? Remember the mass panic pushed from every single American institution? “EVERYONE GO HOME AND HIDE OR MILLIONS WILL DIE!”

News story after news story after social media post after politician’s speech hammered away at the American public. In very short order, even 90 percent of the people on the right were parroting the narrative that you should shut down your business and bunker down at home or everyone will die. After all, shutting down an economy is the only way to stop coronavirus, right?

That’s what the narrative was in the beginning, and to this day the vast majority of Americans believe it. Of course, that all turned out to be wrong. In very short order, the left realized these lockdowns could be a very useful tool in destroying the President Trump economy that was leading to his re-election. Where were your favorite politicians and pundits on the right in the beginning when this false narrative was being set?

Remember George Floyd? I am quite sure you do. How could you possibly forget the modern-day saint honored with more funeral services than any other human being in the history of mankind.

Immediately after the man’s death, everyone with a microphone or a social media account was sprinting to prove how not racist they were. Outcries about cops hunting down black men for the color of their skin were heard from sea to shining sea.

Every major corporation had a statement out dumping on cops and pretending America is some rancid, racist dump. Even my sons couldn’t log into their video games without a special Black Lives Matter landing page. The professional athletes kneeled for the anthem, and Aunt Jemima changed its name and logo.

Of course, none of this narrative, either about how Floyd’s death happened or the riots that followed, was based on facts. Not a single word. Yet where was the right? What did we get out of the single entity with a chance to speak the truth in the face of lies? We got a federal police reform bill and GOP senators talking about the need to change military base names.

Who can forget the violent insurrection at the Capitol building on the 6th? Have you not heard the government was almost taken over and five people were MURDERED?

I heard it on every news channel. I read it in a thousand articles. I saw endless social media posts about it. In fact, it was so violent and insidious, they impeached a guy who’s no longer in office for it. That must be really bad, right?

Five people murdered is no joke. Of course, and please stop me if you’ve heard this before, that is all a complete lie. Would you like to hear about the five “murders” you believe happened on the 6th? One man died of a heart attack, one woman collapsed for yet unknown reasons, one woman was shot and killed by a police officer, one man had a stroke, and one police officer died. As of the time of this writing, the medical examiner has been unable to prove the police officer died from any external force.

There. Those are the five “murders” you believe happened. They are just as real as viewing the Great Wall of China from outer space. Yet to this day the vast majority of politicians and pundits on the right will repeat the “violent insurrection with five murders” lie told by the left.

My point here is not the lies. The left lies. All communists do. Lying is simply part and parcel part of the ideology. My point is that we are in very serious trouble right now in the United States of America.

We are coming apart at the seams. The left has never been in such a position of power in our institutions, and they know it. They are aggressively trying to stamp out the opposition.

Our side needs to be smarter and stronger. We must be the adults who stand soberly by while the whole world shrieks and panics about something.

We no longer have the option of riding the initial news cycle and accepting it at face value. Our failure to hold the line and speak hard truths has made the left’s job of cementing a lie in the minds of the people infinitely easier. From now on, when the next major event arises, let us resolve to set the narrative ourselves instead of being consumed by it.