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Actually, China’s Communist Government Can Rot In Hell

China Xi and Mao

Donald Trump today tweeted his “Congratulations to President Xi and the Chinese people on the 70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China!” For diplomatic reasons, it’s become customary for American presidents to praise and commend this depraved totalitarian regime. In a just world, the president would be sending his sympathies to a Chinese people who have endured inconceivable sufferings under the communist regime since 1949.

As Helen Raleigh, whose family experienced Maoist-driven deprivations, aptly noted, the 70th anniversary of People’s Republic of China marks one of the darkest days in Chinese history. It is also one of the darkest days in mankind’s history. Of all the planned utopian economies during the 20th century, none were more deadly or dehumanizing. No government has murdered, tortured, imprisoned, and terrorized more of its own people than communist China.

The most infamous disaster of those 70 years began with 1959’s Great Leap Forward, a manmade starvation that Mao called “grassroots socialism” — one of a number Marxism inflicted on the world — which was responsible for the death of 40 million or more Chinese. “It is better to let half of the people die so that the other half can eat their fill,” Mao rationalized.

Though it wasn’t merely famine. Millions of innocent people were tortured to death or summarily executed on the spot for arbitrary crimes against the state.

Many of those lucky enough to survive this hell would soon be thrust into the Cultural Revolution, where gangs of Red Guards, many of them mere teens, roamed the streets targeting anyone who they deemed enemies of Maoism. No one was spared, as these grassroots murderers rooted out ideological crimes (often over trivial grievances) and the authorities sat and watched. Millions more would be compelled to participate in struggle sessions to come to terms with their counterrevolutionary thinking. Thousands more would commit suicide to avoid all of it.

“All of it” included the largest penal system ever known to man. The communists would operate at least 1,000 large-scale concentration and forced labor camps over the 70-year span. It is estimated that about 10 million Chinese were imprisoned on average every year for decades in this gulag — a majority for political crimes. Slave labor and torture ensured an estimated 5 percent mortality rate, which means more than 20 million Chinese perished in camps by the early 1990s. The mass interment of their own people is nothing new. Today, Xinjiang re-education camps are brimming with more than a million (and perhaps up to three) ethnic Muslim Uyghurs.

There has never been religious freedom in communist China. Catholics, Falun Gong, Buddhists, Muslims, and others have been harassed, or worse, thrown into prison, tortured, and forced to renounce their beliefs and adopt the state-sponsored faiths of Maoism and atheism.

Even in the latter years of the 20th century, the communists would continue a policy of family destruction through forced abortion, mandatory sterilization, and the discouragement of adoption, resulting in abandonment of an estimated 2 million children. Mostly girls.

Let’s not forget, the Chinese communists also exported their malicious ideology. After 1950, the communists murdered somewhere between 10-20 percent of the Tibetan population — many of whom bravely fought against the Red Army with muskets and swords. In 1984, the Dalai Lama estimated that, to that point, 173,000 of his countrymen had died in captivity. Tibet is still occupied territory, but is little advocating for its cause on college campuses or in the U.N.

We won’t even dive into the murderous communist regimes Red China propped up in Cambodia or Vietnam, or how it instigated world conflict and cost hundreds of thousands of lives. But let’s remember China still props up the massive concentration camp known as North Korea.

Not to mention, all the time, the vast majority of Chinese lived in poverty.

The free, capitalistic enclaves of Taiwan and Hong Kong would be constant reminders of both the amazing ingenuity of the Chinese people, and the crimes of China’s government. Even today, the brave protesters in Hong Kong won’t relent to the arbitrary rule of the communists. They deserve more from us.

In an age in which some Americans act as if losing an election is tantamount to totalitarianism, the staggering death and poverty caused by the People’s Republic of China can be difficult to wrap the mind around. Reading the history of China’s regime, which is taking an excruciatingly long time to wind down even as capitalism takes hold, is numbing in its unremitting inhumanity.

Yet this week, “President” Xi Jinping and other Chinese officials visited Mao’s mausoleum — located in Tiananmen Square, where an estimated thousands of protesters were murdered by the state in 1989 — and bowed three times to embalmed remains of the world’s greatest mass murderer. It will be a day worth celebrating when the rest of the Chinese government meets the same fate.