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University Students: Chick-fil-A Makes Us Feel Unsafe

Image CreditChick-Fil-A/Yahoo

Students at Duquesne University worry the new Chick-fil-A will make them feel unsafe. Because, you know, its owners are Christian. Like the institution they’re attending.


Chick-fil-A is coming to the food court at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, but some students are not happy about it. Several students at the Catholic university have complained the fried chicken restaurant, which has the reputation of being extremely kind and generous to customers, will make them feel unsafe, Red Alert Politics reports. 

“Chick-fil-A has a questionable history on civil rights and human rights,” student senator Niko Martini told campus newspaper The Duke. “I think it’s imperative the university chooses to do business with organizations that coincide with the [university’s] mission and expectations they give students regarding diversity and inclusion.”

The chicken restaurant, which closes on Sundays to allow employees to attend church, is very supportive of pro-family and Christian organizations, which make the students’ objections at the Catholic institution a head-scratcher.

Chick-fil-A routinely goes out of its way to be kind to customers and neighbors in need. In the wake of the 2016 shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Chick-fil-A offered free food at blood drives where locals donated blood for the victims recovering in nearby hospitals. The restaurant also passed out free meal vouchers to individuals at a rally to support same-sex marriage in 2013.

“I’ve tried very hard within the last semester and a half to promote this safe environment for the LGBTQ+ community,” said Rachel Coury, president of the Gay-Straight Alliance club on campus. “So I fear that with the Chick-fil-A being in Options that maybe people will feel that safe place is at risk.”