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Yuval Levin On The Failures Of Congress And Trump’s First Year

Yuval Levin joins this episode of Federalist Radio to break down the good and bad policy of Trump’s first year in office, and our dysfunctional Congress.


On this episode the Federalist Radio Hour, Yuval Levin and Ben Domenech discuss how Congress as an institution has crumbled internally and tries to legislate through the media. They also debate what Trump’s administration has achieved policy-wise this year and how he will compare to other Republican presidents.

Yuval Levin is Vice President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center and EPPC’s Hertog Fellow, and is the editor of National Affairs magazine.

“Congress ought to make its work more legislative, not executive, and that means breaking down these consolidated processes,” Levin said. “The trouble is Congress doesn’t actually want control… if they did, they could do it by reforming their own institution.”

Listen to the full episode here: